Tag Archives: Getty Villa

A Day in an Archaeological Conservation Program

I’m a Conservation Specialist for the UCLA/Getty Conservation Program, a graduate conservation training program specializing in the conservation of archaeological and ethnographic materials.  In our 3 year course, we train students in the methods and techniques used for the examination and preservation of objects and have them understand the properties of materials, how they deteriorate and ways to slow down or prevent further deterioration. (continue reading)





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Backyard Archaeology at the Villa Ranch House

A blog post written about a class I helped teach on approaches to excavating, stabilizing and lifting wall paintings fragments using replica frescoes. (continue reading)


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What’s Simmering in That Beaker? Understanding Ancient Technology by Manufacturing Pigments

Powdered saffron, simmering roots, crushed leaves…no, it’s not what’s cooking in the kitchen, but what’s been cooking at the Getty Villa this quarter for the UCLA/Getty Master’s Program in the Conservation of Archaeological and Ethnographic Materials. (continue reading)



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